2024-01-08 08:01:04 +01:00

180 lines
4.3 KiB

package main
import (
type AddResponse struct {
Bytes int64
Hash string
Name string
Size string
type IpfsMultipartWriter struct {
var quoteEscaper = strings.NewReplacer("\\", "\\\\", `"`, "\\\"")
func escapeQuotes(s string) string {
return quoteEscaper.Replace(s)
func NewIpfsMultipartWriter(w io.Writer) *IpfsMultipartWriter {
return &IpfsMultipartWriter{
Writer: *multipart.NewWriter(w),
func (w *IpfsMultipartWriter) CreateIpfsDirectoryPart(name string) (io.Writer, error) {
h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)
encodedName := url.QueryEscape(name)
h.Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`form-data; name="file"; filename="%s"`, encodedName))
h.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-directory")
return w.CreatePart(h)
func (w *IpfsMultipartWriter) CreateIpfsFilePart(name string) (io.Writer, error) {
h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)
encodedName := url.QueryEscape(name)
h.Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`form-data; name="file"; filename="%s"`, escapeQuotes(encodedName)))
h.Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
return w.CreatePart(h)
func (w *IpfsMultipartWriter) CreateIpfsAbsFilePart(name, absPath string) (io.Writer, error) {
h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)
encodedName := url.QueryEscape(name)
h.Set("AbsPath", absPath)
h.Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`form-data; name="file"; filename="%s"`, escapeQuotes(encodedName)))
h.Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
return w.CreatePart(h)
func main() {
githubactions.Debugf("Checking inputs")
path := githubactions.GetInput("path_to_add")
if path == "" {
githubactions.Fatalf("Missing: path_to_add")
ipfsHost := githubactions.GetInput("ipfs_host")
if ipfsHost == "" {
githubactions.Fatalf("Missing: ipfs_host")
ipfsPort := githubactions.GetInput("ipfs_port")
if ipfsPort == "" {
githubactions.Fatalf("Missing: ipfs_port")
targetPath, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
githubactions.Fatalf("Unable to access path_to_add: %v", err.Error())
defer targetPath.Close()
targetPathInfo, err := targetPath.Stat()
if err != nil {
githubactions.Fatalf("Unable to access to access path_to_add info: %v", fmt.Errorf("%w", err))
if !targetPathInfo.IsDir() {
githubactions.Fatalf("%v is not a directory", path)
githubactions.Debugf("Inputs OK")
body, writer := io.Pipe()
targetUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v:%v/api/v0/add", ipfsHost, ipfsPort)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, targetUrl, body)
if err != nil {
githubactions.Fatalf("Unable to create request: %v", err.Error())
q := req.URL.Query()
q.Add("progress", "false")
q.Add("stream-true", "false")
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
mwriter := NewIpfsMultipartWriter(writer)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", mwriter.FormDataContentType())
go func() {
defer writer.Close()
defer mwriter.Close()
err = filepath.Walk(path, func(innerPath string, info fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
w, err := mwriter.CreateIpfsFilePart(innerPath)
if err != nil {
return err
fileReader, err := os.Open(innerPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer fileReader.Close()
written, err := io.Copy(w, fileReader)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error copying %s (%d bytes written): %v", innerPath, written, err)
return nil
if err != nil {
githubactions.Fatalf("Unable to create request body: %v", fmt.Errorf("%w", err))
githubactions.Infof("Calling node API...")
client := &http.Client{}
res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
githubactions.Infof("Reading response...")
resBody, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
githubactions.Infof("Response: %v", string(resBody))
d := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
for {
var ipfsAddResponse []AddResponse
if err := d.Decode(&ipfsAddResponse); err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
githubactions.Warningf("Failed to unmarshal response: %v", fmt.Errorf("%w", err))
githubactions.Infof("Received response: %v", ipfsAddResponse)